توجه: - کلیه آگهی های درج شده در این وب سایت (مرکز اطلاعات اصناف و مشاغل ایران) توسط افراد حقیقی و یا حقوقی ثبت گردیده است. - در انتخاب خود دقت فرمایید. - این مرکز هیچ مسئولیتی در قبال آگهی های ثبت شده ندارد. -
جهت ارتباط با شخص آگهی دهنده، فقط از طریق مشخصات آگهی دهنده (در کنار آگهی) تماس حاصل فرمایید و از تماس با مرکز اطلاعات اصناف و مشاغل ایران خودداری فرمایید.
- Predictive Analytics and Modeling
Iraniu offers predictive analytics and modeling solutions that produce clear, actionable results, and critical strategic insights.
Predictive models are reports which predict future of different markets based on the available trends and analytic methods. So it can be understood that what is going to be the future of present markets' condition. How their growth rate would be and if the growth strategies can be still used in these markets? Especially in Iran's market which is affected by so many environmental variables and predicting it is very difficult, these models can largely provide analysis of the market's future. In preparing predictive models, in addition to available data, the opinions and predictions of specialists and experts is usually used. Gathered data are usually being analyzed by advanced statistic methods, and reports of the markets' future are provided with minimum error level.